Electrodynamic sources G-Boomer

Electrodynamic sources G-Boomer

Main features:
  • Capability of grouping
  • High pulse frequency
  • Operation in sea and fresh water
  • Stainless steel frame
  • Demountable construction


G-Boomer with MultiJack energy source is an ultra-high resolution marine acquisition setup, which is typically used for detailed stratigraphic studies and geological mapping in relatively shallow depths.

G-Boomer is an easy-to-operate marine seismic source with stable broadband wavelet shape up to 5 kHz, providing vertical resolution up to 10 cm. It is applicable for operations in both fresh and salt waters. To provide deeper penetration several boomer plates can be combined on single frame. 2G and 4G boomers with 2 and 4 plates correspondingly are available for purchase for the deeper subsurface imaging with highest possible vertical resolution.

Geodevice team is ready for cooperation and developing customized equipment for special customer’s needs and ideas. For the correct preparation of technical design specification please contact us using any method indicated on the website


Data examples:
Black Sea, G-Boomer source, MiltiJack-1250HP1.5 energy source:
Сourtesy of Green Reef LLC

Black Sea, G-Boomer source, MiltiJack-1250HP1.5 Black Sea, G-Boomer source, MiltiJack-1250HP1.5 Black Sea, G-Boomer source, MiltiJack-1250HP1.5 Black Sea, G-Boomer source, MiltiJack-1250HP1.5

Processing Software







ZondST2d — 2D seismotomography interpretation (refracted waves)





ZondST3d — 3D seismotomography interpretation (refracted waves)


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